项目更新 | 波特兰丽思卡尔顿酒店(Block 216 Project)将点亮玫瑰城的天际线



波特兰丽思卡尔顿(The Ritz-Carlton, Portland)酒店正式公布了其开业日期,即令人期待的2023年10月31日星期二。这家豪华酒店楼高 35 层,拥有 251 间客房,即将成为西北太平洋地区的第一家丽思卡尔顿酒店,在这里您可以居高临下俯瞰玫瑰之城的全景。这片城市绿洲位于波特兰市中心,拥有令人惊叹的客房和套房、特色餐厅和酒吧、无与伦比的健康和保健设施,以及超过 17,000 平方英尺的活动和会议空间。




  • Nearby Attractions

总经理Marie Browne表示:"作为丽思卡尔顿在西北太平洋地区的首家酒店,该项目是品牌、业主和波特兰社区之间的一次非凡合作。"我们才华横溢的建筑师、设计师、建筑商和员工团队期待已久,终于我们可以敞开大门迎客了。我们与当地的工匠、供应商和时尚达人携手合作,打造原汁原味的西北太平洋体验,为当地居民和游客提供了一个全新的目的地。

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精致的室内装饰和定制的细节被安置在 GBD 建筑事务所设计的 460 英尺高的水晶塔中。建筑的白色基座灵感来源于该地区的柱状玄武岩地貌,并设有一系列可通过降雨激活的层叠式雨水花槽。流线型的轮廓在宝石状的玻璃穹顶上达到顶峰。夜幕降临,建筑顶部犹如一颗闪闪发光的宝石,为波特兰的天际线增添了独特而优雅的色彩。


酒店内饰由 HKS Hospitality Interiors 设计,将荒野的神奇与现代的奢华融为一体。一进入拥有 251 间客房的波特兰丽思卡尔顿酒店,宾客就会被迎入森林大厅(Forest Hall),这个宏伟的大堂模仿了太平洋西北部郁郁葱葱的景观,是通往波特兰丽思卡尔顿酒店所提供的一切的门户。从用铜条捆绑的乡村原木(向 1845 年历史性的掷硬币事件致敬,该事件导致了这座城市的命名),到描绘路易斯和克拉克旅程的地图,这座先锋酒店的方方面面都展示了亲生物设计、原材料以及只有俄勒冈州才能提供的丰富的自然美景。

当宾客们穿过这个令人心旷神怡的空间时,他们沐浴在透过高耸的树状面板照射进来的斑驳光线中。往森林大厅深处走去,是专为休闲而设计的舒适区域,图书馆休息室的壁炉在背光的 Verre églomisé 玻璃环绕下闪闪发光。穿过接待处和大楼梯,宾客会发现 Meadowrue,这是一个拥有落地窗的私密大堂吧。本土木材、苔藓绿植和头顶闪烁的灯光装置等朴实的设计元素将户外的美景引入室内。


  • Meadowrue

作为一个日间咖啡厅,这里弘扬了波特兰丰富的咖啡文化,并与 Coava Coffee Roasters 合作推出了酒店独有的 Urban Forest Blend。Meadowrue 也是晚上享用小吃、手工鸡尾酒和定制鸡尾酒的好去处,它的菜肴也突出了当地供应商的特色,如 Josephson's Smokehouse、Olympia Provisions 和 Rouge Creamery。


波特兰丽思卡尔顿酒店的开拓精神在 207 间客房和 44 间套房的温馨奢华中得以延续。客房的设计让人联想到俄勒冈州的森林和缥缈的河流,同时也向这座城市的历史致敬。客房设计采用了感性面料的垂直面板、柔软的地毯、奢华的皮具以及对历史悠久的旅行箱的现代诠释。






位于 20 层的丽思卡尔顿俱乐部(The Ritz-Carlton Club®)为那些希望获得更加个性化体验的宾客提供了一个私密的场所,宾客可以选择进入俱乐部酒廊。该酒廊专为创客社区而设,温馨宜人,每天提供五顿餐点,里面摆满了独一无二的手工珍品和当地艺术品。



波特兰丽思卡尔顿酒店的 19 层名为 Cloudbreak on Nineteen,是一个颐养身心的奢华天堂。这里有隐山湖无边际泳池(Hidden Mountain Lake Infinity Pool),这是一个零边际无边际泳池,可以将卡斯卡特山脉(Cascade Mountains)的美景尽收眼底,营造出隐山湖的效果。丽思卡尔顿水疗中心(Ritz-Carlton Spa®)也坐落于此,其设计灵感源自波特兰玫瑰展开的花瓣。在这个宁静的空间里,有五间理疗室和一系列可供选择的菜单,您可以在这里度过悠闲的水疗日或享受快速的呵护时刻。此外,4000 平方英尺的先进健身设施和瑜伽室为该楼层锦上添花。




位于酒店 20 层的招牌餐厅 Bellpine 将展示该地区的各种烹饪传统,从俄勒冈州物产丰富的威拉米特谷、该州的农场、牧场、河流和太平洋中汲取灵感。在著名行政主厨佩德罗-阿尔梅达(Pedro Almeida)的监督和波特兰知名主厨劳罗-罗梅罗(Lauro Romero)的掌勺下,菜单将采用该地区的本土食材以及当地供应商和能工巧匠的产品。此外,俄勒冈州卓越酒庄的世界级精选葡萄酒和该地区酿酒大师精心酿制的独特烈酒也将为您的美食之旅锦上添花。



  • Bellpine

专门的活动楼层 Ascending Mount Hood 为宾客提供了超过 17,000 平方英尺的会议和活动空间。这些充满自然光线的空间设计充分体现了胡德山的壮丽美景,易于定制,可容纳大型晚会、婚礼和企业活动等。





波特兰以其多产的制造商和艺术文化而闻名,因此酒店与当地的工匠合作,包括位于西北太平洋地区的 Antica Farmacista,共同打造了专为波特兰丽思卡尔顿酒店定制的客房香氛 "玫瑰之城"(Rose City)。这款充满植物气息、雄伟壮观、生机勃勃的香氛捕捉了这座城市的精神,其灵感来自于清爽的高山森林,植根于稀有的木材、复杂的草本植物和茂盛玫瑰的柔美。酒店的艺术收藏品陈列在酒店各处,其中包括大卫-莱斯(David Rice)、雷切尔-奥斯汀(Rachel Austin)和卡文-巴克(Kavin Buck)等当地艺术家的作品。这些作品颂扬了西北太平洋地区人与自然的关系,强调了土质纹理、不协调的图案和多样的材料。

丽思卡尔顿和瑞吉酒店及度假村高级副总裁兼全球品牌负责人 Jenni Benzaquen 分享道:"波特兰丽思卡尔顿酒店向这座城市丰富的当地文化和景观致敬。我们的目标是在波特兰社区和游客中树立起深受喜爱的形象。丽思卡尔顿一直致力于为宾客提供无限的探索和个人成长机会,我们很高兴能首次在充满魅力和灵感的西北太平洋地区揭开我们的神秘面纱。





波特兰丽思卡尔顿酒店将带领游客领略美国最美丽、最具活力的旅游胜地之一的历史、风景和精神。如需进一步了解波特兰丽思卡尔顿酒店,请访问 :



丽思卡尔顿酒店有限责任公司目前在 35 个国家和地区经营着 110 多家酒店。欲了解更多信息或预订,请访问公司网站 www.ritzcarlton.com;欲了解公司最新动态,请访问 news.marriott.com;欲加入现场对话,请使用 #RCMemories,并在 Facebook、Twitter 和 Instagram 上关注。The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. 是万豪国际集团(纳斯达克股票代码:MAR)的全资子公司。丽思卡尔顿酒店很荣幸能参与万豪国际集团的全球旅行计划 Marriott Bonvoy®。该计划为会员提供非凡的全球品牌组合、"万豪 Bonvoy Moments "独家体验以及无与伦比的优惠,包括免费住宿和精英身份认可。如需免费注册或了解该计划的更多信息,请访问 marriottbonvoy.com。


波特兰丽思卡尔顿酒店位于波特兰市中心(S.W. 10th 和 Alder 街交汇处),楼高 35 层,拥有 251 间客房,可将波特兰的天际线、卡斯卡特山脉和威拉米特河尽收眼底。这座令人惊叹的 460 英尺水晶塔楼的亮点包括一个 4,000 平方英尺的健身设施、拥有五间理疗室的丽思卡尔顿水疗中心(The Ritz-Carlton Spa®)和一个无边际泳池。客人和当地居民都可以在酒店 20 层的 Bellpine 餐厅和酒吧用餐,该餐厅和酒吧由行政总厨 Pedro Almeida 监管。






The Ritz-Carlton, Portland today announced its highly anticipated opening date of Tuesday, October 31, 2023. The 35-story, 251-room luxury hotel will soon be the first Ritz-Carlton property in the Pacific Northwest and offers panoramic views of the Rose City from a striking vantage point. Centrally located in downtown Portland, the urban oasis features stunning guest rooms and suites, a signature restaurant and bar, unparalleled health and wellness facilities, and more than 17,000 square feet of events and meeting spaces.

“As the first Ritz-Carlton property to open in the Pacific Northwest, this project has been an extraordinary collaboration between the brand, ownership, and the Portland community,” said General Manager Marie Browne. “Our team of talented architects, designers, builders, and staff have long awaited the day we are able to open our doors and welcome guests inside this property. We have worked alongside local and regional artisans, purveyors, and tastemakers to create an authentic Pacific Northwest experience, providing a new destination for locals and visitors alike.”

The exquisite interiors and bespoke details are housed within a 460-foot crystalline tower imagined by GBD Architects. The building’s white base is inspired by the columnar basalt formations in the region and features a cascading series of stormwater planters that are activated by rainfall. The sleek silhouette culminates in a gem-shaped, glass dome. At night, the top of the building glows like a glittering jewel, making it a unique and elegant addition to the Portland skyline.

The interiors, designed by HKS Hospitality Interiors, marry the magic of the wilderness with modern luxury. Upon entering the striking 251-room hotel, guests are welcomed into Forest Hall, a grand lobby that mimics the lush landscape of the Pacific Northwest and acts as a gateway to all that The Ritz-Carlton, Portland has to offer. From rustic logs bound with copper, a nod to the historic 1845 coin toss that led to the naming of the city, to maps depicting Lewis & Clark’s journey, every aspect of this pioneering property showcases the biophilic design, raw materials, and abundance of natural beauty that only Oregon can provide.

As guests move through the inviting space, they’re bathed in light, which dapples through towering, tree-like panels. Deeper into Forest Hall, cozy areas designed for comfort and escape await with the glowing fireplace in the library lounge surrounded by backlit Verre églomisé glass. Just beyond reception and the grand staircase, guests will discover Meadowrue, an intimate lobby bar with floor-to-ceiling windows. A mix of earthy design elements such as indigenous woods, mossy green plants and a twinkling light installation floating overhead bring the beauty of the great outdoors inside.

Serving as a daytime coffee lounge, the venue celebrates Portland’s rich coffee culture and has partnered with Coava Coffee Roasters to create the Urban Forest Blend, exclusive to the hotel. An evening destination for light bites, craft cocktails, and bespoke mocktails, Meadowrue also highlights local purveyors in its dishes such as Josephson’s Smokehouse, Olympia Provisions and Rouge Creamery.

The pioneering spirit of The Ritz-Carlton, Portland continues throughout the welcoming and luxurious 207 guestrooms and 44 suites. The rooms’ design evokes the Oregon forest and misty rivers as well as honors the city’s history. The design features vertical panels in sensual fabrics, soft carpets, luxury leather goods, and modern interpretations of historic travel trunks.

For those guests looking for an even more personalized experience, The Ritz-Carlton Club®, located on the 20th floor, is an intimate destination for guests who opt for club lounge access. Dedicated to the maker community, the warm and inviting lounge, which will offer five daily meal presentations, is filled with one-of-a-kind handmade treasures and local artwork.

The 19th floor of The Ritz-Carlton, Portland called Cloudbreak on Nineteen is a luxurious haven to nurture the mind, body, and spirit. It’s home to Hidden Mountain Lake Infinity Pool, a zero-edge infinity pool with panoramic views of the Cascade Mountains creating the effect of a hidden mountain lake. It also houses The Ritz-Carlton Spa®, whose design is inspired by the unfolding petals of a Portland rose. The tranquil space features five treatment rooms and a range of menu selections for a leisurely spa day or a quick pampering moment. Rounding out the floor is a 4,000-square-foot state-of-the-art fitness facility and yoga studio.

Located on the 20th floor, the hotel’s signature restaurant Bellpine will showcase the region’s diverse culinary traditions, drawing inspiration from Oregon’s bountiful Willamette Valley, the state’s farms, ranchers, rivers, and the Pacific Ocean. Overseen by Acclaimed Executive Chef Pedro Almeida and helmed by beloved Portland Chef Lauro Romero, the menu will feature ingredients indigenous to the region as well as items from local purveyors and skilled artisans. The culinary journey will be accentuated with world-class wine selections featuring exceptional Oregon wineries and unique spirits crafted by the region’s master distillers.

The dedicated events floor, Ascending Mount Hood, offers guests more than 17,000 square feet of meeting and event space. The natural light-filled spaces, which are designed to reflect Mt. Hood’s striking beauty, are easily customizable and can accommodate intimate gatherings to large galas, weddings, and corporate events.

As Portland is known for its prolific makers and arts culture, the hotel has partnered with local and regional artisans including Pacific Northwest-based Antica Farmacista to create Rose City, a bespoke room scent made exclusively for The Ritz-Carlton, Portland. Capturing the spirit of the city, the botanical, majestic, and vibrant scent is inspired by a crisp alpine forest and rooted in rare woods, herbal complexity and the softness of a lush rose. The hotel’s art collection, which is on display throughout the property, features local artists including David Rice, Rachel Austin and Kavin Buck, to name a few. The works celebrate the Pacific Northwest’s relationship between people and nature, emphasizing earthen textures, incongruous patterns and diverse materials.

Jenni Benzaquen, Senior Vice President and Global Brand Leader of The Ritz-Carlton and St. Regis Hotels & Resorts shares: "The Ritz-Carlton, Portland, pays homage to the city's rich local culture and landscape. Our goal is to establish a beloved presence within both the Portland community and among visitors. The Ritz-Carlton has always been committed to offering guests boundless opportunities for discovery and personal growth, and we are excited to unveil our doors for the very first time in the captivating and inspiring Pacific Northwest."

The Ritz-Carlton, Portland takes visitors on a tour through the history, the landscape, and the spirit of one of America’s most beautiful and vibrant destinations. To learn more about The Ritz-Carlton, Portland, visit ritzcarlton.com/portland.

About The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLCThe Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC currently operates more than 110 hotels in 35 countries and territories. For more information or reservations, visit the company web site at www.ritzcarlton.com, for the latest company updates, visit news.marriott.com and to join the live conversation, use #RCMemories and follow along on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ:MAR). The Ritz-Carlton is proud to participate in Marriott Bonvoy®, the global travel program from Marriott International. The program offers members an extraordinary portfolio of global brands, exclusive experiences on Marriott Bonvoy Moments and unparalleled benefits including complimentary nights and Elite status recognition. To enroll for free or for more information about the program, visit marriottbonvoy.com.

About the Ritz-Carlton, PortlandThe Ritz-Carlton, Portland, a 35-story, 251-room hotel centrally located in downtown Portland (S.W. 10th and Alder Street), offers uninterrupted views of Portland’s skyline, the Cascade Mountain Range and the Willamette River. Highlights of the stunning 460-foot crystalline tower include a 4,000 square-foot fitness facility, The Ritz-Carlton Spa® with five treatment rooms and an infinity edge pool. Guests and locals alike will be able to dine at Bellpine, the hotel’s 20th floor restaurant and bar overseen by Executive Chef Pedro Almeida.




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